How McLaren placated Piastri and persuaded Norris on the radio · RaceFans

The final stint of the Hungarian Grand Prix provided one of the most remarkable examples of a team convincing its driver to give up a victory to his team mate.

Teams have issued similar orders many times in past races, and not just McLaren. What made this occasion unusual was that McLaren didn’t simply bark out an order, but coaxed Lando Norris for lap and after until he finally gave way.

Once he did, Norris remarked “you don’t need to say anything”. By that point his race engineer Will Joseph had said so much it was hard to imagine more ways he might have twisted his driver’s arm.

McLaren faced the dilemma because Norris jumped ahead of his team mate Oscar Piastri through the final round of pit stops. Piastri led from the start until then, and although McLaren pitted Norris before his team mate the first time around the drivers remained in their original order that time.

Norris might have been forgiven for assuming McLaren intended to move him ahead by pitting him first during their initial pit stops, as that is exactly what they did in the same race 12 months early. But this time they made it clear to him that was not the plan:

Lap: 17/70 NOR: 1’26.485, PIA: 1’24.248
Joseph Lando, Hamilton has just pitted for a hard tyre. Stallard Hamilton has pitted.
Joseph 100% pace, please, 100% pace. Stallard Oscar once past used the pace.
Joseph Lando box this lap please box this lap. How’s the balance?
Joseph Box this lap, box this lap.
Lap: 18/70 NOR: 1’41.807, PIA: 1’26.496
Joseph This is out lap two or three. Stint two. We are not trying to undercut. Tsunoda and then Hamilton at the start-finish line they’re behind. And we’re going to need to go long on these tyres. Stallard Oscar box this lap, box this lap.
Joseph Hard tyres have shown high deg, so we’ll have to manage them. Piastri Copy, box.
Lap: 19/70 NOR: 1’23.779, PIA: 1’42.479
Joseph Oscar will be the car ahead. Stallard Okay Oscar, Lando is three seconds behind. We stopped earlier than planned to cover Hamilton. You can bring the tyre in.
Joseph Lando we potentially stopped earlier than ideal so this is a cruising run on this tyre. The pace in the car is there.

After a long middle stint, McLaren prepared to bring their drivers in for their final stops. As was the case the first time around, they were concerned about the threat from Lewis Hamilton behind and chose to bring Norris in before Piastri:

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Lap: 43/70 NOR: 1’24.063, PIA: 1’24.200
Joseph And so Lando gap to Hamilton is 28.5. We think it’s a bit early at the moment. We’d still like to do target minus five at whatever pace we can get. Stallard Still driving for target at minus five, but could we get to target lap?
Piastri I think target minus two is possible.
Lap: 44/70 NOR: 1’24.430, PIA: 1’24.033
Piastri I think minus two could be ambitious.
Lap: 45/70 NOR: 1’26.328, PIA: 1’24.104
Joseph So Lando the gap to Hamilton and Leclerc is 25.5. We will box to cover them.
Joseph Lando we’re box this lap, box this lap. Box now. Box now.

Again, McLaren made it clear to both drivers they were not giving Norris the benefit of an early pit stop in order for him to overtake Piastri. However, on this occasion, Norris did come out ahead.

Lap: 46/70 NOR: 1’38.951, PIA: 1’24.211
Joseph The aim here, again, is not to undercut Oscar. We want to bring the tyres in to Hamilton, who’s just leaving the final corner. Still a long way to go, 24 laps. Stallard Okay Oscar, Lando has pitted to cover Hamilton. We’ll manage that situation. Best pace from you now.
Joseph Gentle introduction, especially high speed, four and 11. Stallard Oscar we’re trying to extend while staying ahead of Hamilton. That’s to minimise the offset to Verstappen. Just best pace, don’t worry about Lando.
Lap: 47/70 NOR: 1’23.290, PIA: 1’26.252
Joseph Lando, it’s already happened. Blue B6, red A5. Look after the tyres. Gentle introduction. 23 laps to go after this one. Stallard Pace still good. Verstappen 23.8.
Stallard We’re box this lap, box this lap.
Piastri Copy, box.
Lap: 48/70 NOR: 1’21.954, PIA: 1’41.384
Joseph Okay Lando, Oscar has just pitted. He will likely come out just behind you. We’d like to re-establish the order at your convenience. Stallard Oscar you will be a couple of seconds behind Lando. We will manage that. Bring the tyre in, bring the tyre in, don’t worry about Lando.
Joseph Verstappen is currently eight and a half ahead, still to make a stop.

Norris did not immediately give the position up. McLaren became concerned about how hard he was pushing his tyres so early in the stint and issued a series of warnings. When he didn’t respond to these, Joseph checked his radio was working.

Eventually Norris backed his pace off by half a second. Joseph appeared to draw the conclusion he was slowing down to let Piastri through, and thanked him.

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Lap: 49/70 NOR: 1’22.109, PIA: 1’22.390
Joseph Lando still 21 laps after this one. You do have the current fastest lap. Look after the tyres. Stallard Oscar, turn 12 exit, no oversteer. Stay off the Astro[turf]. You don’t need that.
Lap: 50/70 NOR: 1’21.712, PIA: 1’21.863
Joseph Verstappen has pitted. Stallard Okay gentle introduction done. So Verstappen has pitted, he’s behind. Vertappen is behind Hamilton and Leclerc.
Lap: 51/70 NOR: 1’21.976, PIA: 1’21.716
Joseph We’re not happy with this level of tyre saving. 20 laps to go. Stallard Okay Oscar so once you get to Lando, we will swap position, we’ll swap position. But we want to avoid Lando having to give up a lot of race time.
Lap: 52/70 NOR: 1’22.429, PIA: 1’21.861
Joseph And Lando radio check, please. Stallard Verstappen is behind Hamilton, Hamilton is six seconds behind you. So it’s Hamilton, Leclerc, Verstappen. You’re pulling away from Hamilton, he’s 22.9.
Norris Yes, loud and clear.
Joseph Okay. Save the tyres in turn four and turn 11 then, please
Lap: 53/70 NOR: 1’21.890, PIA: 1’22.367
Joseph Thank you. We’re happy with that level.

But Norris picked up the pace, dipping below the 1’22s again, pulling out more of a lead on Piastri. Now McLaren grew concerned and urged him to hand over the lead. When he didn’t, Joseph repeated their worries about the strain he was dishing out to his tyres.

Lap: 55/70 NOR: 1’22.171, PIA: 1’21.858
Joseph Okay Lando the position behind is Oscar 3.8 behind. Hamilton and Leclerc are 12 and Max is right behind him. We need you to save more tyres please and we do want to let Oscar through.
Norris Er, we should have boxed him first then surely, no?
Joseph It doesn’t matter.
Norris I mean, it does to me, maybe.
Lap: 57/70 NOR: 1’22.222, PIA: 1’22.505
Joseph Lando we still think you are using the tyres too much turn four, turn 11 and the rears at exit turn six, turn nine. Oscar’s 3.5. I know you’ll do the right thing.

While McLaren were urging Norris to comply with their order, they also had to stay on top of routine business, such as checking whether he wanted to pit if the Safety Car was deployed. Eventually, Joseph progressed from warning Norris about his tyres to advising him not to risk the harmony within the team by refusing to give up the lead.

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Lap: 58/70 NOR: 1’21.931, PIA: 1’22.431
Joseph Lando, Hiroshi is stressed about the tyre energies. A question for you: Safety Car with more than eight laps to go, would you take it? Stallard 13 laps to go. Would you take a Safety Car here? Would cost one position to Verstappen.
Norris Yes. Piastri Yes.
Joseph Are we at sort of 12?
Lap: 59/70 NOR: 1’22.219, PIA: 1’22.008
Joseph Lando the full Safety Car window is therefore open. Stallard We are in the full Safety Car window. Full Safety Car only.
Norris Okay.
Joseph Turn four, turn 11. It’s going to get boring.
Lap: 61/70 NOR: 1’21.886, PIA: 1’22.060
Joseph Okay, Lando, 10 laps to go. We think both cars are using their tyres too much. Just remember every single Sunday morning meeting we have.
Norris Yep, tell him to catch up then please.

By now Piastri was over five seconds behind and beginning to wonder why Norris hadn’t handed the lead back to him.

The argument at the other car had progressed to the stage that Norris was reminding Joseph he was McLaren’s best-placed driver to beat Max Verstappen in the championship. Joseph urged his driver to see that giving up the lead represented his best chance in his title fight in the long-term.

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Lap: 62/70 NOR: 1’21.883, PIA: 1’22.157
Piastri Are we planning on swapping?
Stallard Oscar we’ll get that done soon. We just need best pace from you. Best pace from you for nine laps.
Lap: 63/70 NOR: 1’22.602, PIA: 1’22.459
Joseph Lando he can’t catch you up. You proved your point and it really doesn’t matter.
Norris He’s on much quicker tyres. I mean, I wouldn’t try to undercut anyway. If I didn’t, I would have gone long.
Joseph Mate we did the stop sequence in this order for the good of the team.
Norris Yeah and I’m fighting for the championship.
Joseph Lando I’m trying to protect you, mate. I promise I’m trying to protect you. Possible debris turn one.
Lap: 64/70 NOR: 1’22.469, PIA: 1’23.060
Stallard Potential debris turn one. Hamilton and Verstappen touched. Verstappen ran wide. Gap to Hamilton still 13.6.

Still the laps ticked down, still Joseph employed every rhetorical device he could think of and still Piastri kept the pressure up. His race engineer Tom Stallard told him they were “managing” the situation, but at this stage they still had no inkling Norris was about to back down.

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Lap: 65/70 NOR: 1’22.481, PIA: 1’22.771
Joseph And Lando the Safety Car window is closed. And Lando there are five laps to go. The way to win a championship is not by yourself. It’s with the team. You’re going to need Oscar and you’re going to need the team. Stallard Okay. Keep it really tight, Oscar, keep this really tight. Just maximum focus now, best pace. The Safety Car window is closed.
Lap: 66/70 NOR: 1’22.620, PIA: 1’22.645
Stallard Five laps to go.
Piastri The longer we leave this, the riskier it gets.
Stallard Understood, Oscar. We’re managing it.

After the race Norris claimed it was this message from Joseph, pointing out a late Safety Car would make it impossible to reverse the positions, which prompted him to back off. Finally, with two laps to go, he gave up the lead.

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Lap: 67/70 NOR: 1’25.666, PIA: 1’22.620
Joseph There is no threat behind. Hamilton is 20.3, then Leclerc, then Max. If there’s a Safety Car now it’s going to make this very awkward. Please do it now.
Lap: 68/70 NOR: 1’26.787, PIA: 1’22.999
Norris Yeah. You don’t need to say anything. Stallard Okay. Three laps to go. Lando’s letting you through.
Lap: 69/70 NOR: 1’22.862, PIA: 1’22.597
Stallard So two to go. Full concentration now. Good job.
Lap: 70/70 NOR: 1’24.003, PIA: 1’22.927
Joseph This is the last lap. Stallard This is the last lap.

Piastri’s celebrations after the chequered flag were on the muted side, though as Stallard observed that is in-keeping with his reserved nature. The race winner apologised for making the position swap “a little bit more painful than it needed to be” by not being on Norris’ pace.

Norris took longer to come on the radio after taking the chequered flag in second place, but when he did, he offered his congratulations to his victorious team mate.

Chequered flag
Norris Well done, good one-two, good load of points. Congrats team, well deserved. Stallard Well done Oscar. Well done. Chequered flag. Well done buddy. Really good.
Joseph As we said this morning mate: Many more opportunities. Piastri Yep. Thank you everyone. Thank you very much. Thanks for the co-ordination. Sorry I made the swap a little bit more painful than it needed to be. But thank you, appreciate that, well done. Maximum points! Really good weekend. First F1 win. Thank you everyone. Thank you very much. Thanks.
Stallard And you are also driver of the day!
Piastri Ah, nice little bonus! Thank you.
Stallard Really good job, Oscar. Lovely. So you’re boxing and you get to the FIA, pull up on the board, the number one! And then, remember to turn the car fully off. I know you’ll be overexcited. Remember to turn the car fully off. And I’ve been told that Mr Randy Singh will be joining you on the podium.
Piastri There you go, Randy Singh on the podium. How about that? Thanks everyone

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